This is the mainroad in Helsinki, Mannerheimintie. Not so wide, because it is not such a big city anyway. It is chilly, about 15 degrees. And it rains. I am crossing the street at this point quite often now. Visiting Teppo who lives very near by my place.
It is funny. When I first got to know him, he lived hundreds of kilometers away. And now the distance is hundrets of meters. We are planning to make music and some multimedia projects together. His voice is really amazing. I will put the link to his music on my site later if he gives me permission to do it... And how could he say no now, when I already wrote this here :)
Autumn makes me wonder. And the music from Soundrack of Forrest Gump http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7lJigEh2_0&NR=1 does not help...
I think that this is one of the most beautiful melodies there is at this kind. And this was also played by the orchester in Puch Urstein (in Salzburg) at my birthday 22 of June. The orchester was so good!!! (There is also pictures in my blog at 22.6)
It is so windy that even if my windows are closed, the papers at the window board sometimes fly away! We put some insulating material there that should help..but situation is still bad :D
I am looking from the window. Listening the music and thinking of the big "l". And time to time maybe some "i":s after it. And how the theme still in my positive mind suites with the title.
But for most of you I am starting to sound senseless I quess ;) So I stop my writing now and go to sleep. For you: good night, good morning or good day. Where ever you are.
There is always light somewhere. Even in the dark roads.
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