I moved back to my flat today. I had it rented the time I was in Salzburg. I have been cleaning all day long. The quality of cleaning by my tenants was very different from Puch....
I spend few hours with Hannele today. She stays here couple of days with...a friend :D hah.
I was going to see some of my friends too now at night, but I have loosed the key for my stock room. I have there all my plankets and so on. Lucky me, there is a handyman belonging to my friends. He will come soon and try to saw the metal. He has a special thing for it. So I am waiting.
I am now eating this liver rice food...traditional Finnish one "maksalaatikko". Looks bad, but I have been kind of missing it.
The atmosphere is like in the pictures...
4 Kommentare:
Liver rice food? I have never heard of it. Nice blog.
:) This is my first international comment. So someone I don't know might also read this...
The rice liver food is actually eaten at Christmas. Almost everybody has it at the table at that time. I eat it all year round thought.
hey elise!
I love reading your blog :)
hope you continue it and do not feel so blue for much longer... be happy and don't forget austria ( and me !!)
Look, I am so happy I can leave austria soon ^^
The pictures from finland look really nice by the way.
Heke isn't your boyfriend by the way, or so?
Well, we will see each other online soon!
HuGS, Matthias!!
Nice to hear from you Matthias! And you have your own blog too. Nice! See you in Korea I hope...and before that in scype :)
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