One of my friends said that writing a blog is a form of some strange exhibitionism. Well. Might be. Firts this was just a travel book. A way to tell my family and friends about how I am doing in Austria when studying there. But now it seems to be more like a philosophic diary...
Talking about philosophy. I started last week my studies in the University of Art and Design in Helsinki. There is this Finnish philosopher Pekka Himanen and his studies about personality, courage, social situations and society. I did not have opportunity to hear the first two lectures but I hope next week I can go and listen to his thoughts. He is this very personal guy having a beard and kind of a bohemic appearance. He is (or anyway was few years ago if not anymore) the youngerst who made his doctor degree in Finland and I quess a quite witty bloke, but very common look a like man. ;D
Tomorrow I will get to know the people at my curricula. I have seen just few of them. There is 15 Finnish and 9 foreign students taken to study new media this year. I am supposed to take with me a digital camera for tomorrow. Dont know what we do with them.
But the issue today...growing. Life is a journey they say. And growing - getting older and hopefully also wiser - is something that I hope has happened during few steps taken in my thoughts last spring. But anyhow...I have ended up to a place where I actually feel a bit empty. I have gained a lot. But still...
Like in the eye of a storm. Everything is still. But you know it will not last long. And you have no idea where the storm will next fly you to.
I promised to some to write also in Finnish:
Blogistani on muodostunut matkapäiväkirjan sijaan vähitellen filosofinen ja monen silmään varmaankin hämmentävän sekasotkuinen kirjallinen ajatusmylly. Aloitin opiskelun Taik:issa viime viikolla. Opiskelijapastori sanoi esittelyssään, että silloin kun ihminen ei jaksa tehdä mitään ja elämä jotenkin junnaa paikallaan niin aivoissa tapahtuu paljon. Minulla on aina ollut hyperaktiiviset aivot ja nyt tuntuukin, että voisin hetkeksi istahtaa. Käynhän minä toki opiskelemassa, valmentamassa voimistelijoita, teen freelancer-töitä jne, mutta tuntuu etten ikään kuin jaksaisi tehdä mitään. Outo tunne, kun kuitenkin teen koko ajan. Olen kiinnostunut kaikesta ja kuitenkaan en jotenkin nyt mistään...hmm. Intoni on juossut maratonin ja vaikka onkin edelleen on hengissä, se ei jaksa juosta eteenpäin.
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