Montag, 20. August 2007

Shadows from the sun

Where there is a sun there is also the shadows. Sometimes the good things that you left behind seem to cast shadows at some point.

When you stand in the shadow you really miss the sun. Because not earlier than at that point you really realise where you are coming from. How can you be aware and know about light before you will see the darkness? If you are happy to be born in the can you ever appreciate it? And probably you can't before you have lost the place in the light and you stand in the shadows.

But in a way the shadows are sometimes good too. Because just by standing in the light it would get quite dull I think. The shadows change the scenery. And without differences, the opposite aspects, without friction there would be no passion nor attraction...

1 Kommentar:

Viljaa hat gesagt…

Mielenkiintoinen bloggaus.

Onhan se niin, ettei ole savua ilman tulta, ei varjoa ilman valoa.

Ja kuvistakin tulee mielenkiintoisempia, kun tilaa on molemmille.

P.S. Tuu kattomaan joitain niitä Espoo Ciné -leffoja! :)